Season 2, Episode 2

Monitoring Climate Change Impact on Salmon Streams in Alaska with Sue Mauger

by | Mar 6, 2021

In this episode of From the Field, Sue Mauger, the Science and Executive Director of the Cook Inletkeeper in Alaska, discusses how climate and land use change have impacted the wild salmon streams. Learn how Sue applies water temperature monitoring networks and fosters education and science as a base for ethical stewardship of the Cook Inlet watershed.

You'll Learn

Sue’s first sense of loss of a landscape

Sue’s academic journey

Sue’s first encounter with a wild salmon

What is the Cook Inlet Watershed?

What is Cook Inlet Waterkeeper and how to do they protect clean water?

Sue’s 20+ year experience with Cook Inlet Waterkeeper.

How a beetle infestation launched Sue’s investigation into water temperature.

The life cycle of a wild Pacific Salmon.

The advantages of marine nutrients on land.

Record high temperatures in 2019 resulted in numerous fish kills, an ominous warning.

Unprecidented temps leave scientists worried

The reliance on healthy and active salmon streams for food source and income.

Updating data-sets statewide for more accurate temperature readings.

Working with local community to strengthen scientific knowledge.

Wild Salmon are an icon of America and worth saving.

Links From the Episode:

Spruce Bark Beetle Infestation Facts 

Cook Inletkeeper



About Sue


Sue studies Alaska’s wild salmon streams and leads Inletkeeper’s efforts to highlight the relevance of climate and land-use change in local decision-making. She coordinates regional water temperature monitoring networks and uses thermal infrared imagery to map and protect cold-water habitats: the stepping stones salmon will need to move up and down otherwise warming stream channels. Sue did her undergraduate work at Duke University and got her masters in Fisheries Science from Oregon State University. Sue was among 80 women worldwide selected to take part in the second team of Homeward Bound, a global leadership initiative for women in science, which culminated in an expedition to Antarctica in 2018. Source:

Hosts & Guests

Priya Shelly – Host

Sue Mauger – Guest




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